The premier tool for finding, tracking, and analyzing biomedical research grants and trends.

Product Profile (Download PDF)


Grants are the funding source for your products and services

Billions of dollars—from sources like the NIH and NSF—support a huge part of US life science research. Researchers in academic, government, and small business settings account for half of the lab supplies and services’ market. Tapping into this information stream to obtain your market and customer intelligence is what NaviGRANT is all about. Developed by a former life science sales executive, its sole purpose is to create targeted intelligence to help match your sales and marketing teams to researchers working in specific research fields.

Find what you need

NaviGRANT is a subscription database containing detailed and updated grant information from important sources such as NIH and NSF. NaviGRANT uses your web browser giving you the power to search for grants of most interest to you, with a simple but powerful search interface. Whether you need to search for a specific organization, research area, name or grant type or all of them together, you can do it easily with NaviGRANT. 


Simple Search Interface
(advanced features with additional fields)



Search for answers to key business questions such as:

  1. Which of our customers had the most funding and what type of research does it involve?
  2. Which are the best-funded labs in a specific medical school or geographic area?
  3. What is the top research area being funded right now in the nation, region, or by institution?
  4. How many grants specifically cite “western blotting” and where are they located?
  5. How do I know which of my customers are awarded new grants and when they are awarded?
  6. What are the top 10 institutions that receive the most funding for signal transduction research?

NaviGRANT features that make your targeting and prospecting fast and easy:

  1. Get started fast (no software to download or learn--navigation is intuitive)
  2. Clean and complete grant information integrated from multiple sources
  3. Straightforward and extensive search capabilities with unique market baskets
  4. Charts and graphs help you make sense of research award trends
  5. Emailed notifications for new grants fitting your specific criteria



Market Basket Snapshot - PCR

Grant Search List

Snapshot of Individual Institutions

Overview of New Award Trends

Grant Detail Window